Golang Code Examples

Unmarshalling API Servers

12 Sep 2014


This example demonstrates two ways to unmarshal a json file that has configuration information describing API servers.

One technique uses the "encoding/json" package.

The other uses jsoncfgo config file reader package.

Golang Features

This golang code sample demonstrates the following go language features:

  • switch
  • struct
  • slice
  • map
  • log
  • fmt
  • basic error handling
  • encoding/json
  • os.OpenFile
  • os.Exit

3rd Party Libraries

  • github.com/l3x/jsoncfgo
  • github.com/go-goodies/go_utils

Note that we preface github.com/go-goodies/go_utils with a "u".

Now, we can reference go_utils functions like so: u.Dashes(80)

Which, by the way, prints 80 dashes to separate sections in our output.

Input Files - encoding/json


            {"name":"speech-server-1", "host":"", "port":3050, "restPort":2050, "wsPort":3050},
            {"name":"speech-server-2", "host":"", "port":3051, "restPort":2051, "wsPort":3051},
            {"name":"speech-server-3", "host":"", "port":3052, "restPort":2052, "wsPort":3052}
            {"name":"sms-server-1", "host":"", "port":4050},
            {"name":"sms-server-2", "host":"", "port":4051},
            {"name":"sms-server-3", "host":"", "port":4052}
            {"name": "payment-server-1", "host": "", "restPort":2015, "wsPort": 3015}
            {"name":"speech-server-1", "host":"", "port":3150, "restPort":2050, "wsPort":3050},
            {"name":"speech-server-2", "host":"", "port":3151, "restPort":2051, "wsPort":3051},
            {"name":"speech-server-3", "host":"", "port":3152, "restPort":2052, "wsPort":3052}
            {"name":"sms-server-1", "host":"", "port":4150},
            {"name":"sms-server-2", "host":"", "port":4151},
            {"name":"sms-server-3", "host":"", "port":4152}
            {"name": "payment-server-1", "host": "", "restPort":2050, "wsPort": 5050}

Code Example - encoding/json

In this code example we demonstrate how to use the "encoding/json" package:

package main


type Service struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Host string `json:"host"`
    Port uint `json:"port"`
    RestPort uint `json:"restPort"`
    WsPort uint `json:"wsPort"`

func LoadApiServers(filepath, env string) (map[string][]Service, error) {
    file, err := os.OpenFile(filepath, os.O_RDONLY, 0644)
    if err != nil {
    configs := make(map[string]map[string][]Service, 0)
    err = json.NewDecoder(file).Decode(&configs)
    if err != nil {
    return configs[env], err

func main() {
    //var configs map[string]map[string][]Service
    pathToFile := "/Users/lex/dev/go/samples/src/bitbucket.org/l3x/unmarshal/services-json-encoding.json"

    dev_configs, err := LoadApiServers(pathToFile, "development")
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("dev_configs: %v\n\n", dev_configs)

    fmt.Printf("dev_configs[\"speech\"][2].Name: %v\n", dev_configs["speech"][2].Name)
    fmt.Printf("dev_configs[\"sms\"][1].Host: %v\n", dev_configs["sms"][1].Host)
    fmt.Printf("dev_configs[\"payment\"][0].Port: %v\n", dev_configs["sms"][0].Port)

Output - encoding/json

dev_configs: map[speech:[{speech-server-1 3050 2050 3050} {speech-server-2 3051 2051 3051} {speech-server-3 3052 2052 3052}] sms:[{sms-server-1 4050 0 0} {sms-server-2 4051 0 0} {sms-server-3 4052 0 0}] payment:[{payment-server-1 0 2015 3015}]]

dev_configs["speech"][2].Name: speech-server-3
dev_configs["payment"][0].Port: 4050

Process finished with exit code 0

Notes - encoding/json

The encoding/json does all the heavy lifting for us.

All we have to do is 1) Define the struct to contain the unmarshalled json ...

type Service struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Host string `json:"host"`
    Port uint `json:"port"`
    RestPort uint `json:"restPort"`
    WsPort uint `json:"wsPort"`

... 2) read the json file, 3) allocate space for the map of maps of Service slices and 4) use NewDecoder and Decode to populate our Service structs:

    file, err := os.OpenFile(filepath, os.O_RDONLY, 0644)
    configs := make(map[string]map[string][]Service, 0)
    err = json.NewDecoder(file).Decode(&configs)

This is what NewDecoder and Decode look like under the covers:


// NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r.
// The decoder introduces its own buffering and may
// read data from r beyond the JSON values requested.
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
    return &Decoder{r: r}


// Decode reads the next JSON-encoded value from its
// input and stores it in the value pointed to by v.
// See the documentation for Unmarshal for details about
// the conversion of JSON into a Go value.
func (dec *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error {
    if dec.err != nil {
        return dec.err

    n, err := dec.readValue()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Don't save err from unmarshal into dec.err:
    // the connection is still usable since we read a complete JSON
    // object from it before the error happened.
    err = dec.d.unmarshal(v)

    // Slide rest of data down.
    rest := copy(dec.buf, dec.buf[n:])
    dec.buf = dec.buf[0:rest]

    return err


To unmarshal JSON into an interface value, Unmarshal stores one of these in the interface value:

bool, for JSON booleans
float64, for JSON numbers
string, for JSON strings
[]interface{}, for JSON arrays
map[string]interface{}, for JSON objects
nil for JSON null

Let's take another look at the Service struct:

type Service struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Host string `json:"host"`
    Port uint `json:"port"`
    RestPort uint `json:"restPort"`
    WsPort uint `json:"wsPort"`

Note how each field definition is followed by instructions to encoding/json on how to handle its data.

// Field is ignored by this package.
Field int `json:"-"`

// Field appears in JSON as key "myName".
Field int `json:"myName"`

// Field appears in JSON as key "myName" and
// the field is omitted from the object if its value is empty,
// as defined above.
Field int `json:"myName,omitempty"`

// Field appears in JSON as key "Field" (the default), but
// the field is skipped if empty.
// Note the leading comma.
Field int `json:",omitempty"`


os.OpenFile is used to read the json file read-only.


os.Exit causes the current program to exit with the given status code

Input Files - jsoncfgo


    "environments": {
               {"name":"speech-server-1", "host":"", "port":3050, "restPort":2050, "wsPort":3050},
               {"name":"speech-server-2", "host":"", "port":3051, "restPort":2051, "wsPort":3051},
               {"name":"speech-server-3", "host":"", "port":3052, "restPort":2052, "wsPort":3052}
               {"name":"sms-server-1", "host":"", "port":4050},
               {"name":"sms-server-2", "host":"", "port":4051},
               {"name":"sms-server-3", "host":"", "port":4052}
               {"name": "payment-server-1", "host": "", "restPort":2015, "wsPort": 3015}
               {"name":"speech-server-1", "host":"", "port":3150, "restPort":2050, "wsPort":3050},
               {"name":"speech-server-2", "host":"", "port":3151, "restPort":2051, "wsPort":3051},
               {"name":"speech-server-3", "host":"", "port":3152, "restPort":2052, "wsPort":3052}
               {"name":"sms-server-1", "host":"", "port":4150},
               {"name":"sms-server-2", "host":"", "port":4151},
               {"name":"sms-server-3", "host":"", "port":4152}
               {"name": "payment-server-1", "host": "", "restPort":2050, "wsPort": 5050}

Code Example - jsoncfgo

In this code example we demonstrate how to use the "jsoncfgo" package:

package main

    u "github.com/go-goodies/go_utils"

type Speech struct {
    Services []Service
type Sms struct {
    Services []Service
type Payment struct {
    Services []Service

type Environment struct {
    Speech interface{}
    Sms interface{}
    Payment interface{}

type Service struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Host string `json:"host"`
    Port uint `json:"port"`
    RestPort uint `json:"restPort"`
    WsPort uint `json:"wsPort"`

type Config struct {
    Services []Service
    Master Service
    Mutex sync.RWMutex

func LoadApiServers(filepath, env string) (map[string][]Service, error) {
    file, err := os.OpenFile(filepath, os.O_RDONLY, 0644)
    if err != nil {

    configs := make(map[string]map[string][]Service, 0)
    err = json.NewDecoder(file).Decode(&configs)
    if err != nil {
    return configs[env], err

func getService(svcMap interface{}) (*Service) {

    connMap := svcMap.(map[string]interface{})
    connConf := jsoncfgo.Obj(connMap)
    thisSvc := &Service{
        Host: connConf.OptionalString("host", ""),
        Port: connConf.OptionalUint("port", 0),
        RestPort: connConf.OptionalUint("restPort", 0),
        WsPort: connConf.OptionalUint("wsPort", 0),
    return thisSvc

func printEnvironment(envMap *Environment) {
    el := reflect.ValueOf(envMap).Elem()
    fldName := ""
    fldType := reflect.ValueOf(envMap).Elem().Type()
    var speech Speech
    var sms Sms
    var payment Payment
    for i := 0; i < el.NumField(); i++ {
        f := el.Field(i)
        fldName = fldType.Field(i).Name
        thisValAry := f.Interface().([]interface{})
        switch fldName {
        case "Speech":
            for _, connectorMap := range thisValAry {
                thisSvc := getService(connectorMap)
                speech.Services = append(speech.Services, *thisSvc)
        case "Sms":
            for _, chatMap := range thisValAry {
                thisSvc := getService(chatMap)
                sms.Services = append(sms.Services, *thisSvc)
        case "Payment":
            for _, gatetMap := range thisValAry {
                thisSvc := getService(gatetMap)
                payment.Services = append(payment.Services, *thisSvc)
    environment := &Environment{
        Speech: speech,
        Sms: sms,
        Payment: payment,
    fmt.Printf("environment: %+v\n", environment)

func main() {
    pathToFile := "/Users/lex/dev/go/samples/src/bitbucket.org/l3x/unmarshal/services_jsoncfgo.json"

    cfg, err := jsoncfgo.ReadFile(pathToFile)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal(err.Error())  // Handle error here

    environmentsList := make(map[string]*Environment)
    environments := cfg.OptionalObject("environments")

    for alias, envMap := range environments {

        servicesMap, ok := envMap.(map[string]interface{})
        if !ok {
            log.Fatalf("entry %q in environments section is a %T, want an object", alias, envMap)
        servicesConf := jsoncfgo.Obj(servicesMap)

        environment := &Environment{
            Speech:   servicesConf["speech"],
            Sms:   servicesConf["sms"],
            Payment:  servicesConf["payment"],
        environmentsList[alias] = environment
        fmt.Printf("environment.Speech: %v\n", environment.Speech)
        speechAry := environment.Speech.([]interface{})
        fmt.Printf("speechAry[0]: %v\n", speechAry[0])
        fmt.Printf("speechAry[1]: %v\n", speechAry[1])
        fmt.Printf("speechAry[2]: %v\n\n", speechAry[2])

        fmt.Printf("environment.Sms: %v\n", environment.Sms)
        smsAry := environment.Sms.([]interface{})
        fmt.Printf("smsAry[0]: %v\n", smsAry[0])
        fmt.Printf("smsAry[1]: %v\n", smsAry[1])
        fmt.Printf("smsAry[2]: %v\n\n", smsAry[2])

        fmt.Printf("environment.Payment: %v\n", environment.Payment)
        paymentAry := environment.Payment.([]interface{})
        fmt.Printf("paymentAry[0]: %v\n", paymentAry[0])

    for alias, envMap := range environmentsList {
        fmt.Printf("alias: %v\n", alias)
        fmt.Printf("envMap: %v\n", envMap)


Output - jsoncfgo

environment.Speech: [map[port:3050 restPort:2050 wsPort:3050 name:speech-server-1 host:] map[restPort:2051 wsPort:3051 name:speech-server-2 host: port:3051] map[name:speech-server-3 host: port:3052 restPort:2052 wsPort:3052]]
speechAry[0]: map[wsPort:3050 name:speech-server-1 host: port:3050 restPort:2050]
speechAry[1]: map[name:speech-server-2 host: port:3051 restPort:2051 wsPort:3051]
speechAry[2]: map[name:speech-server-3 host: port:3052 restPort:2052 wsPort:3052]

environment.Sms: [map[name:sms-server-1 host: port:4050] map[name:sms-server-2 host: port:4051] map[host: port:4052 name:sms-server-3]]
smsAry[0]: map[name:sms-server-1 host: port:4050]
smsAry[1]: map[port:4051 name:sms-server-2 host:]
smsAry[2]: map[name:sms-server-3 host: port:4052]

environment.Payment: [map[name:payment-server-1 host: restPort:2015 wsPort:3015]]
paymentAry[0]: map[wsPort:3015 name:payment-server-1 host: restPort:2015]
environment.Speech: [map[host: port:3150 restPort:2050 wsPort:3050 name:speech-server-1] map[name:speech-server-2 host: port:3151 restPort:2051 wsPort:3051] map[port:3152 restPort:2052 wsPort:3052 name:speech-server-3 host:]]
speechAry[0]: map[wsPort:3050 name:speech-server-1 host: port:3150 restPort:2050]
speechAry[1]: map[name:speech-server-2 host: port:3151 restPort:2051 wsPort:3051]
speechAry[2]: map[name:speech-server-3 host: port:3152 restPort:2052 wsPort:3052]

environment.Sms: [map[name:sms-server-1 host: port:4150] map[name:sms-server-2 host: port:4151] map[name:sms-server-3 host: port:4152]]
smsAry[0]: map[host: port:4150 name:sms-server-1]
smsAry[1]: map[name:sms-server-2 host: port:4151]
smsAry[2]: map[name:sms-server-3 host: port:4152]

environment.Payment: [map[restPort:2050 wsPort:5050 name:payment-server-1 host:]]
paymentAry[0]: map[name:payment-server-1 host: restPort:2050 wsPort:5050]
alias: development
envMap: &{[map[host: port:3050 restPort:2050 wsPort:3050 name:speech-server-1] map[port:3051 restPort:2051 wsPort:3051 name:speech-server-2 host:] map[restPort:2052 wsPort:3052 name:speech-server-3 host: port:3052]] [map[host: port:4050 name:sms-server-1] map[port:4051 name:sms-server-2 host:] map[name:sms-server-3 host: port:4052]] [map[host: restPort:2015 wsPort:3015 name:payment-server-1]]}
environment: &{Speech:{Services:[{Name: Host: Port:3050 RestPort:2050 WsPort:3050} {Name: Host: Port:3051 RestPort:2051 WsPort:3051} {Name: Host: Port:3052 RestPort:2052 WsPort:3052}]} Sms:{Services:[{Name: Host: Port:4050 RestPort:0 WsPort:0} {Name: Host: Port:4051 RestPort:0 WsPort:0} {Name: Host: Port:4052 RestPort:0 WsPort:0}]} Payment:{Services:[{Name: Host: Port:0 RestPort:2015 WsPort:3015}]}}
alias: production
envMap: &{[map[name:speech-server-1 host: port:3150 restPort:2050 wsPort:3050] map[restPort:2051 wsPort:3051 name:speech-server-2 host: port:3151] map[host: port:3152 restPort:2052 wsPort:3052 name:speech-server-3]] [map[port:4150 name:sms-server-1 host:] map[name:sms-server-2 host: port:4151] map[name:sms-server-3 host: port:4152]] [map[name:payment-server-1 host: restPort:2050 wsPort:5050]]}
environment: &{Speech:{Services:[{Name: Host: Port:3150 RestPort:2050 WsPort:3050} {Name: Host: Port:3151 RestPort:2051 WsPort:3051} {Name: Host: Port:3152 RestPort:2052 WsPort:3052}]} Sms:{Services:[{Name: Host: Port:4150 RestPort:0 WsPort:0} {Name: Host: Port:4151 RestPort:0 WsPort:0} {Name: Host: Port:4152 RestPort:0 WsPort:0}]} Payment:{Services:[{Name: Host: Port:0 RestPort:2050 WsPort:5050}]}}

Process finished with exit code 0


We define a struct to contain our environments ("development" and "production"):

type Environment struct {
    Speech interface{}
    Sms interface{}
    Payment interface{}

... and the familiar Service struct:

type Service struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Host string `json:"host"`
    Port uint `json:"port"`
    RestPort uint `json:"restPort"`
    WsPort uint `json:"wsPort"`

jsconfgo handles the unmarshalling; However, to access individual elements we must use reflection, type assertion and a switch:

    el := reflect.ValueOf(envMap).Elem()
    fldType := reflect.ValueOf(envMap).Elem().Type()
  thisValAry := f.Interface().([]interface{})   
  // . . .
  switch fldName {
  case "Speech":
    for _, connectorMap := range thisValAry {
      thisSvc := getService(connectorMap)
      speech.Services = append(speech.Services, *thisSvc)
  case "Sms":
    for _, chatMap := range thisValAry {
      thisSvc := getService(chatMap)
      sms.Services = append(sms.Services, *thisSvc)
  case "Payment":
    for _, gatetMap := range thisValAry {
      thisSvc := getService(gatetMap)
      payment.Services = append(payment.Services, *thisSvc)


Given the format of the json data and our requirements, using the encoding/json is the better choice.

Use jsoncfgo when...

  • You just need the values from the config file
  • You want to perform validation (without extra coding effort)
  • You want to be able to indicate which config file values are required or optional
  • You want to include a file path reference to another json config file to be unmarshalled

Use encoding/json when...

  • You want to unmarshal the json data into a struct so you can access it's members more easily


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